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C-for-Chinese @JC 

Non Chinese Speaking Kindergarten children face huge difficulties while learning Chinese in Hong Kong. To solve this issue, we work with the Education University of HK, the HK Polytechnic University, the Hong Kong University and also NGOs- Hong Kong Christian Service to develop a holistic model that synergizes the capacity of different stakeholders.

Through the provision of cross sectoral collaboration, we aim to enhancing the Chinese proficiency of Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) children in local kindergartens and facilitating their early integration to the community.


在港的非華語幼童在學習過程中面對着不少困難, 為解決此問題, 本機構聯同香港教育大學、香港理工大學、香港大學及香港基督教服務處, 共同發展一套完善的教學模式供本地幼稚園試行。透過跨界別合作, 希望就讀本地幼稚園的幼童能加強中文能力及融入社區。

Opening Hours 辦公時間

Monday - Saturday : 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

星期一至六 :上午十時至下午十時

Closed on Sunday & public holiday


©版權所有 2024. 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心


Wholly Owned by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited 

Address 地址



Rm 113, H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre, 22 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T

Tel no.(電話):  2423-5038  2751-6226 2418-2218

Fax no.(傳真): 2416-8966

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