屏麗徑社區舊物執寶攤檔活動 時間:逢星期三, 5pm-7pm 地點:共融館,葵涌屏麗徑3-21號葵豐樓地下G-2號舖 - 免費入場 - 跨文化共融 X 凝聚社區資源 內容:我們會在星期三黃昏時間把二手物品擺放出來與街坊們分享。有用的話,可以隨便拿回家。如果你們家中有多餘的舊物資,也可以把物品擺放在我們的舊物攤檔,與街坊一起分享,讓物品重生! Ping Lai Path Community Material Exchange booth Time: Every Wednesday, 5pm-7pm Venue: Kung Yung Koon, Shop G-2, Kwai Fung House, 3-21 Ping Lai Path, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong. - Free of Charge - Cross Cultural Integration X Linking Community Resources What to do? : Good News, we would have material exchange booth on every Wednesday evening. If you have some extra daily items, you can put it in our community material exchange booth. This can save your space of your home and share your items with friends in community. Join our booth and you can also get any useful 2nd hand products from our booth. Isaac/Ceci/Ah Man 2427 2223 共融館 Kung Yung Koon Shop G-2, Kwai Fung House, 3-21 Ping Lai Path, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong 葵涌屏麗徑3-21號葵豐樓地下G-2號鋪 歡迎報名做義工 報名方法:填寫以下google form https://goo.gl/forms/z7XIlrN2Vw01KaiV2 facebook: @ourpinglaipath instagram: kungyungkoon