One of our teammates-- Ron Fong (Senior Organizing Officer) was invited to grant a sharing among the sub-divided flats focus forum & exhibition on 19/5/2018 (Sat) which was organized by Subdivided Flat Platform. He shared the difficulties and discrimination of Non-Chinese Speakers faced when they want to find accommodation in HK
我們的團隊成員--方家俊(Ron, 高級組織幹事)獲邀出席由 全港關注劏房平台 主辦的《室宿一覺》住屋視覺藝術展,於5月19日研討會中帶出少數族裔在尋找租住房屋時遭受到的困難和歧視問題

相片來源:全港關注劏房平台 Facebook 專頁
Photo resources: Subdivided Flat Platform Facebook Page