Nifty Lady product selling: "Lemon Cleanser" & "Anti-insect Water"
尼泊爾婦女組自家制「檸檬清潔劑」 & 「防治蟑螂水」
{Upcycling: "Shop Naked" lemon cleanser} Lemon is a natural cleaning detergent and remove stains
【化廢為材:"裸買" 回收檸頭清潔劑】檸檬有潔淨去漬的效能
"Lemon Cleanser" is made by lemon residue collected from TC2 Cafe & Workshop. Then soaked with alcohol to release mandarin oil, this is the natural detergent we find useful!! lately, we add coconut foaming agent to finish it~
○「檸檬清潔劑」的檸頭,原來係响太子 TC2 cafe & workshop 度回收返嚟,之後就要用酒精滲幾日,令佢釋出甘橘子類的果皮油,呢啲就係天然的去污劑嘞,然後再加入適量椰子油起泡劑就得。成件事都係功夫嘢啦!
Store information
綠合彩@OIE 限定檔
Date 日期: 16/4-26/4 (Off on every Monday & Tuesday, 7-8/5 & 4-5/6 & Public Holidays)
4月16日-6月26日(逢星期一、二/5月7, 8日, 以及6月4, 5日, 和公眾假期休息) Location 地點:G/F One Island East, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, HK
鰂魚涌太古坊的港島東中心地下 Time 時間:12nn-6pm 中午12:00- 下午6:00
*** Remember to bring your own container!!
Reservation on the website:

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