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We found love after Typhoon Mangkhut

作家相片: harmonyharmony




After Typhoon Mangkhut smashed Hong Kong, there are fallen trees every where in Hong Kong. And many residents forming cleaning group by themselves to clean their living districts.

We also formed a small cleaning group to help cleaning the leaves and stem of fallen tree in Ping Lai Path, we want to fasten the cleaning and let neighbors to have space to gather again~

(Although I feel sad to see fallen trees, we are blessed that the tree did not fall towards the houses and no injury)


Opening Hours 辦公時間

Monday - Saturday : 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

星期一至六 :上午十時至下午十時

Closed on Sunday & public holiday


©版權所有 2024. 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心


Wholly Owned by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited 

Address 地址



Rm 113, H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre, 22 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T

Tel no.(電話):  2423-5038  2751-6226 2418-2218

Fax no.(傳真): 2416-8966

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