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亞斯理 Asbury x 葵涌循道中學 x LMC U-13 板球B隊

作家相片: harmonyharmony

謝謝各位伙伴,今天我們招聚了超過40位本地及少數族裔青年人參與板球比賽,有初學的,有經驗比較豐富的,比賽結果第二,建立情誼第一, 大家不約而同覺得: 葵涌打板球設施的需要實在十分殷切,而且還有不少具備才能的少數族裔球員,有場地彷彿就變成了有舞台,少數族裔青年 可以有發光的機會, 本地人有機會認識板球運動不是這麼危險、不是那麼複雜!

Thank you for all the parties, today we have recruited more than 40 Chinese and South South Asian youth to participate a cricket game, mixed with beginners and advanced players, friendship over competition, and we all think that the need of cricket facility in Kwai Chung is very earnest and there are many talented South Asian cricket players need the stage as the cricket venue to let them perform brightly. And local Chinese have more chance to knowing cricket is not a dangerous and complicated sports

鳴謝: 葵涌康文署借出和宜合道運動場 Play Cricket 香港板球三位本地板球精英 Kwai Chung Methodist College 葵涌循道中學 循道衛理亞斯理社會服務處


Opening Hours 辦公時間

Monday - Saturday : 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

星期一至六 :上午十時至下午十時

Closed on Sunday & public holiday


©版權所有 2024. 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心


Wholly Owned by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited 

Address 地址



Rm 113, H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre, 22 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T

Tel no.(電話):  2423-5038  2751-6226 2418-2218

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