宏施慈善基金 Windshield Charitable Foundation 葵涌社會服務處探訪的義工小組到訪中心,她們是一班來自葵涌區的長者、婦女及兒童, 我們有機會介紹SPIN project, 原來身為葵涌區的街坊,或多或少也曾經見過少數族裔拿著環運動器材,但從來不知道那些運動是怎樣玩的。
今天我們的運動隊成員也親身示範,當他們用中文解說有關遊戲時,街坊也表示驚訝,更加認識到他們在運動空間上遇到的困難及限制,不少街坊也表示: 日後在社區內見到少數族裔朋友玩運動時,都會多一份包容及諒解,並且希望他/她們有一個玩他們喜歡運動的空間,多謝你們來訪及開放你們的思想認識少數族裔。
Windshield Charitable Foundation volunteer team visited our centre, they are all elderly, housewife and kids live in Kwai Chung. We shared SPIN project with them, maybe they saw South-Asians carry the equipment around Kwai Chung, but they did not have a chance to learn how to play the sports.
Our sport teams' members demonstrate and when they use Cantonese to explain the game, the visitors also surprised the difficulties and limitations our team members are facing. And they said that they will be considerate and understanding when seeing South-Asians finding venue to play their favorite sports.
Thanks for coming to visit us with an open-heart.