感謝安柱中學同學來訪Tree centre,參與VR運動工作坊,透過虛擬環境,在小空間下仍能試玩板球及閃避球,同學經試玩後,發現規則也不是那麼難,也慶幸今天外面天氣不穩,我們在室內仍然可有限度下親身體驗運動。
VR 運動設備將於本月份恆常開放予本區人士使用,快來體驗一下。預約: 2418 2218/ 6438 7230 (whatsapp)。
Thank you CNEC Christian College for visiting TREE Centre and participate the VR workshop. Students experienced cricket and dodge-ball through virtual reality environment, they found that the game play and the regulations are not as difficult as they thought. We felt lucky that can play the sports indoor even with the bad weather outside.
VR sports facilities will open to public in this month for the community, please call 24182218 or whatsapp 64387230 to make reservation

Photo resources: TREE Centre