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【VR運動工作坊 VR Sport Workshop】

【VR運動工作坊】我們好開心來到中華傳道會許大同學校,同學十分投入及參與,更令人驚喜的是: 4位同學先後打破本區於3分鐘內燃燒卡路里 的數量,擦新新紀錄 - 超過310卡路里。


如你的學校也有興趣參加本計劃,本計劃正在招募下年度的夥伴學校,詳情可致電 Tel: 2418 2218 Ron/ Mandison.

What a satisfying experiences with the groups of energetic students from CNEC Ta Tung school - We are so excited to see the high participation from everyone and with 4 of you making a new record in our VR fitness challenges- Burnt over 310 Calories within 3 mins!!

Thank you for the invitation and great photos that are taken by the teachers.

We are currently recruiting partner schools for next year, if you are interested, please contact our staff Ron/ Mandison at Tel: 2418 2218.

Come partner with us and doing social integration in your school through sports and technology

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