Project Asha 於星期六舉行了開齋節嘉年華,雖天氣不穩,但不減前來參加的街坊的興趣。除了豐富的表演環節,還有早鳥歡迎禮物、抽獎禮物和遊戲劵換領禮物,全部參加者都滿載而歸!
在遊戲及和檔主的交流過程中, 學習南亞族裔的獨特文化和習俗, 加深文化文流。
Last Saturday, Project Asha organized an Eid Carnival to celebrate Muslim Eid Festival with the community. Although the weather was unstable, participants were enjoying the carnival so much. Besides the entertaining performances, there were early bird welcome gifts, luck draw and games completion gifts, to give the community a joyful afternoon
Balloon Twisting Booth by CARE Jockey Club Volunteer Group

Free VR sport booth

Kids enjoyed the game booth

Families tried to twist balloon optopus