剛過去嘅週末(21.09), Project Asha 喺荃灣舉辦咗個"排燈節同樂日", 同荃灣區街坊預先慶祝尼泊爾大型節日-- 排燈節, 排燈節係一個慶祝光明戰勝黑暗嘅傳統節目, 尼泊爾嘅國民會一連幾日咁慶祝!
當日大人細路都玩得好開心,又有遊戲攤位又有大抽獎~ 仲可以喺活動中學識更多尼泊爾習俗同文化添!!
In the past weekend, Project Asha organized a "Diwali Carnival" at Tsuen Wan, to pre-celebrate the one of the biggest Nepal festival -- Diwali Festival with the community, which is the festival continues for days to celebrate the brightness fight and win the darkness!
Adults and kids had fun on that day, all of the participants can learn more about Nepalese culture and traditions while playing the game in the booths and lucky draw!