Masala Tea是印度當地知名的特色茶飲,在紅茶葉裡加入研成粉末的胡椒、肉桂、薑、荳蔻、丁香等各式香料,再和牛奶與糖調和在一起沖煮成奶茶,在濃郁的茶香裡,洋溢著馥郁的香料香。
Masala tea對印度人而言是居家必備的百寶藥,因為內裏集合健脾的豆蔻,驅寒的薑,活血的肉桂等配合牛奶和糖,更有安眠、減壓的作用。
Masala Tea is a well known Indian beverage, grinned spices such as, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, clover etc. are added into the black tea, and mixed with milk and sugar, makes a perfect combination of tea and richness of spices.
Masala tea is also being seen as common herb beverage, as cardamom is good for spleen, ginger can warm your body, cinnamon is good for blood circulation, adding milk & sugar is good for sleeping quality and relaxation.