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【繼續 ‧ 宅在家 ‧ 不可怕】Stay home safe, not afraid 2.0

作家相片: harmonyharmony

最近又有新增個案,似乎留家抗疫的日子也會繼續維持一段時期,不知道早前推出的曼陀羅點印杯墊材料包有沒有令大家覺得在家抗疫的時間過得輕鬆了?有沒有令大家愛上宅在家呢?Cultural Playground決定再推出宅在家系列-Zenhenna,務求大家可以宅在家繼續修煉,升華至禪的境界,享受Zenhenna帶來的寧靜與放鬆。

There are numerous of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in HK, seems like we all need to stay home office for a while, we wonder if the Zenhenna Coaster DIY packs helped you feel relief in this critical moment? Or did it make you more appreciate the time that was spent at home?


Zenhenna = Zentangle + Henna. Zentangle is the art of instinct, the graphics are created with repetitive lines and forms, these can be picked up easily even for drawing newbies; Henna is a delicate pattern of cultures, mainly used in South-Asian countries, symbolizing the fortune and wholesomeness.

好消息! ! !Cultural Playground 現可購買Zenhenna 材料包! 數量有限,售完即止!

Great news!! Zenhenna DIY packs can be purchased in Cultural Playground with limited time and stocks!

商品介紹Product introduction:

黑色相框 Black photo frame X1

黑色針筆 Black fine line pen X1

木顏色筆 Wooden color penX4

Zenhenna教學指南及參考繪圖 Zenhenna instruction & referenceX1

Zenheanna半成品繪圖 Zenhenna half finish products X5

(分為Set A及Set B,可到Zenhenna album查看參考圖片)

(Separated into Set A & B, please see the Zenhenna album for more details)

材料包售價 DIY pack retail price:HKD $120/包 pack (包本地平郵 local post is included)


You can fill the following form to order, we will handle your order shortly!



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Opening Hours 辦公時間

Monday - Saturday : 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

星期一至六 :上午十時至下午十時

Closed on Sunday & public holiday


©版權所有 2024. 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心


Wholly Owned by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited 

Address 地址



Rm 113, H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre, 22 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T

Tel no.(電話):  2423-5038  2751-6226 2418-2218

Fax no.(傳真): 2416-8966

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