《什麼是曼陀羅藝術?What is Mandala Art》 曼陀羅(Mandala)在梵·文的意思是“神聖的圓“,是指圓圈、圓形圖案。曼陀羅藝術大部分的創作都是由圓來組成的。有研究指出,曼陀羅藝術可有效提升個人專注與放鬆、宣洩與紓壓、探索個人成長、潛意識與整合意識等。可以透過創作曼陀羅,了解創作者自己的內心。
Mandala means sacred circle in Sanskrit, referring to dots and circles. Mandala is usually formed by circles. There is a survey shows creating Mandala can improve concentration of a person, and help them to relief, relax, self-exploration, subconscious etc. Creator can look into their own mind by making Mandala.
《曼陀羅可運用在藝術治療中?Can Mandala be used in art therapy?》 沒錯! 曼陀羅常被應用於藝術治療方面,創作者可以把源源不絕的想法加入創作中。從繪畫曼陀羅可改善我們的身心狀況, 達到宣洩、紓壓的狀態,藉創作過程來達到治癒心理的效果。
Yes! Mandala is wildly used in art therapy, creator can add their ideas into the art. People can improve their physical and mental health, to relief and relax and healing by drawing Mandala.
好消息!Good News
Cultural Playground 現可購買曼陀羅點印杯墊材料包! 數量有限,售完即止!
Mandala Coaster DIY pack is selling in Cultural Playground with limited qouta 曼陀羅點印杯墊材料包 Mandala coaster DIY pack 商品介紹Introduction: -南亞圖騰圓形杯墊 X2 (大約尺寸:直徑10 cm) South-Asian pattern coaster x2 (size:~10cm diameter) -彩點木棒Dotting stick X2 -4色彩點顏料 4 colour paints:
A) 綠+白+黃+粉紅色 Green + white + yellow + pink 或or
B) 紅+白+金+湖水藍色 Red + white + gold + turquoise
(兩款顏色組合,二擇其一 2 options, can choose 1)
材料包售價Price :HKD $100/包pack (包本地平郵 local surface mail included)
Please place your order in the below link, we will handle your order shortly https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OvTHcsi9ecXxF7_1drgxwAWZclVYgj2SlLpwobCbML0 —————————————— #CulturalPlayground #EthnicMinorities #少數族裔 #CulturalDiversity #文化多樣性 #CulturalInclusion #文化共融 #曼陀羅 #曼陀羅藝術 #mandala #dotmandala