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《疫情下的親子手作》Parent-child handicraft under the pandemic

作家相片: harmonyharmony


自疫情再爆發之後,我地就開始試下同南亞街坊用網上視像方式做活動。早前實習同學Flora 就預備左一d 製作南亞經典飛行棋Ludo 既材料包,分發俾南亞家庭,等佢地係屋企都可以同我地一齊做手工。太太們見到佢地童年成日玩既Ludo都好興奮,好快手咁同佢地既小朋友完成左屬於佢地既Ludo!


Once the new outbreak of the pandemic, we are trying to use online video conference to meet our south Asian community. Our placement student Flora prepared packs of material for making classic south Asian board game LUDO and distribute to the families, so they can make their own games at home. Ladies are excited to see again the often played game in their childhood, and finished the DIY very fast with their kids.

The materials and DIY procedure are very simple, you are welcome to ask us if interested!!



Opening Hours 辦公時間

Monday - Saturday : 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

星期一至六 :上午十時至下午十時

Closed on Sunday & public holiday


©版權所有 2024. 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心


Wholly Owned by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited 

Address 地址



Rm 113, H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre, 22 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T

Tel no.(電話):  2423-5038  2751-6226 2418-2218

Fax no.(傳真): 2416-8966

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