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買餸車設計小分享~ Trolley design sharing


Can you guess what is the use of this maple-stone patterned plate?

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佢其實樂在製造 社區設計及研習所為我地設計既買餸車既底板,用左唔同顏色既回收塑膠熱溶之後壓成!!! 係唔係好靚呢!,每一塊都獨一無二,而且仲好實正堅固。



Actually it is a base for the trolley that is designed by Making On Loft, by melting recycled plastic with different colours, every plates are having a unique pattern and tough structure.

If anyone in Kwai Chung is interested to DIY a trolley, or want to make one for someone in Kwai Chung district, please contact us to join our new workshop!

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