〔Sooji Halwa 小麥布甸〕

Halwa係一款材料簡單、但需要時間和力氣既甜品。Halwa既主要材料係Sooji (Semolina),即係用杜蘭小麥碾碎而成既粗麥粉,都係意大利手工意粉常用既材料。
首先係熱鍋度落Ghee (即係酥油,容後介紹),再落Sooji兜勻佢,期間要不停攪拌以防痴底,直至轉為啡色。跟住再落糖和喜歡既乾果、堅果碎,一直炒到乾身,完成!
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Halwa is a dessert that requires only simple ingredients but consumes time and effort. The major ingredient of Halwa is Sooji (Semolina), which is the coarse and purified wheat middlings of durum wheat, which is also common in making Italian pasta.
The steps are not complicated at all, but you need to do it again and again:
First, melt Ghee (will talk about it later) in a hot pot, then put Sooji into it, then keep stirring to avoid sticking to the pot, until it turns brown. Then put some sugar, and dried fruits and chopped nuts you like, then stir the mix until it turns dry. Finish!
Since you have to keep stirring, Minhas said this procedure may tighten your bingo wings, but with the sugar and fat in Halwa, the bingo wings will be back again after eating it.:)
Many thanks to Mehwish for sharing her Halwa with us😍
You may find detailed recipes on the internet if you want to try it out! Share with us if you make it successfully!
〔Eat Well in Quarantine: South Asian Home Cook❳ will be continued, stay tuned!
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