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❲隔離飯香:南亞住家菜式分享 Eat Well in Quarantine: South Asian Home Cook❳ Vol.2

作家相片: harmonyharmony

<< Pakora 炸雜菜>>



先將喜歡既蔬菜切細,一般會用洋蔥、薯仔、茄子、芫茜、小辣椒等等,切記唔好將蔬菜切得太細碎,要保持一定既口感。炸漿就用鷹咀豆粉,加上次介紹過既garam masala雜錦香料調味,再加水溝開,與蔬菜混合後,用手或匙羹定形,再放入高溫油炸至金黃即可(太太提醒用手要小心俾滾油彈親!)。



<< Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉>>


<< Pakora >>

You must have tried Pakora if you joined our cultural tour. Hong Kong families seldom make deep-fried food at home, but for the South Asian families, deep-fried food is common! You can see deep-fried meat, vegetables, many South Asian dishes. Pakora is even more casual among home-cooked meals.

We have a Pakistani lady briefly sharing with us her way to make Pakora:

Firstly, you need to cut the vegetables into slices. Onion, potato, eggplant, coriander, chili etc. are common ingredients in Pakora. Remember to avoid cutting the vegetables too fine in order to keep the crunchy texture. We use gram flour to make the batter mixed with garam masala (mixed spice) we introduced last time. Add vegetables into the batter, then use hands or spoons to shape and put into oil at high temperatures. They are ready when they turn golden. (Pakistani lady reminds us to beware of the hot oil hurting your hands!)

You may find detailed recipes on the internet if you want to try it out!

〔Eat Well in Quarantine: South Asian Home Cook❳ will be continued, stay tuned!

<< Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉>>

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