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❲隔離飯香:南亞住家菜式分享 Eat Well in Quarantine: South Asian Home Cook❳ Vol.6

《Momo 尼泊爾餃子》



做法非常簡單,將雞肉碎、洋蔥碎、芫茜、椰菜,以薑蒜蓉、鹽和Momo Masala來調味和攪拌,然後包入餃子皮中,想方便的話可以使用現成的餃子皮。將包好的Momo蒸15-20分,完成!



《Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉》

《Pakora 炸雜菜》

《Sooji Halwa 小麥布甸》

《Split Pea with Spinach 馬豆菠菜》

《Gosht Karahi鑊仔牛肉》

《Zarda 甜飯》

Momo is a national food in Nepal, everyone makes it at home. It looks like something between Xiao Long Bao and dumpling. You may find pork mince, chicken mince or vegetable in the filling of momo.

A Nepalese girl shared with us her family’s momo recipe:

It is very simple. Mix chicken mince, chopped onion, coriander and cabbage well with ginger garlic paste, salt and momo masala for seasoning. Then fill the mix into the wrapper which you can get premade. Steam the momo for 15-20 min, ready!

You can see different momo recipes on the internet, and also some creative ones like momo with chocolate filling and deep-fried momo etc. You may try the regular momo first, then explore your creativity by making new momos.

〔Eat Well in Quarantine: South Asian Home Cook❳ will be continued, stay tuned!

《Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉》

《Pakora 炸雜菜》

《Sooji Halwa 小麥布甸》

《Split Pea with Spinach 馬豆菠菜》

《Gosht Karahi鑊仔牛肉》

《Zarda 甜飯》

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