《Zarda 甜飯》
除了炒飯,南亞的家庭都會用米煮成甜品。甜飯一般會使用Sella Basmati米,是一種在加工過程中被蒸過的米,所以煮熟後會比較柔軟蓬鬆,跟質感挺身用來做炒飯的Basmati米不一樣。加入色素、糖、奶、果仁和乾果,就成為南亞的家常甜品。
感謝一位巴基斯坦太太跟我們分享她家甜飯的造法: 首先將米浸軟30-45分鐘,加入黃色食用色素,再開火蒸至半生熟,將飯瀝去剩餘的米水備用。在熱鍋內加入酥油(Ghee)爆香豆蔻和肉桂等香料,再加入糖和奶,滾起後可以關火,加入半熟飯。這個時候他們不會再用明火直接加熱,而是會將平日用來烘薄餅的煎pan放在火爐上,再把蓋上濕毛巾的甜飯一整煲的放在煎pan上,以細火隔著加熱15-20分鐘,完成。
如果大家有興趣,可以到網上找食譜比較一下,你會發現沒有一個南亞食譜是完全一樣,就選一個最簡單的試試吧! 〔隔離飯香:南亞住家菜式分享〕菜式會持續更新,敬請期待! 《Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/… 《Pakora 炸雜菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/rpp.324461180…/3715333565175321/… 《Sooji Halwa 小麥布甸》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3729518303756847/… 《Split Pea with Spinach 馬豆菠菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3754689074573103/… 《Gosht Karahi鑊仔牛肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/… 《Zarda 甜飯》 Apart from fried rice, South Asian families also use rice to make desserts. Zarda normally use Sella Basmati rice, which is steamed during the processing. Unlike the firm texture of Basmati which used for fried rice, Sella Basmati is rather fluffy when it is cooked. With food coloring, sugar, milk, nuts and dried fruit, the rice will become a common South Asian homemade dessert, Zarda. Many thanks to the Pakistani Lady for sharing with us her Zarda recipe: First, soak the rice in water for 30-45 minutes until it is softened. Adding yellow food coloring into the rice, then steam it until it is medium cooked. Drain the rice and put it aside. Put ghee into a hot pot to saute cardamom and cinnamon, then add sugar and milk into it. Turn off the stove and add the rice into the milk when it is boiled. From this point, they won't heat it directly on the stove anymore, but placing the pot covered with a wet cloth on the tawa pan (for baking naan) and simmer the rice in low heat for 15-20 minutes. Done! If you are interested, you may compare different recipes on the internet, you will see that no two recipes are the same. Pick the simplest one and give it a try! 〔Eat Well in Quarantine: South Asian Home Cook❳ will be continued, stay tuned! 《Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/… 《Pakora 炸雜菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/rpp.324461180…/3715333565175321/… 《Sooji Halwa 小麥布甸》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3729518303756847/… 《Split Pea with Spinach 馬豆菠菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3754689074573103/… 《Gosht Karahi鑊仔牛肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/…