《烤茄子蓉 Baingan Bharta》
今次輪到阿文示範他的拿手菜:烤茄子蓉Baingan Bharta!!!做法簡單,用料邪惡,想信大家都會喜歡。
這時就可以將大量酥油Ghee加入蔥粒和少許蒜蓉煮開,再加入切好的茄子肉攪拌好,加黑椒和鹽調味,就完成了! 坊間的Baingan Bharta會加curry或masala調味,阿文這個算是鄉村版本,但別小看它沒有下香料,實際上吃起來是超乎想像的好吃。(但全都是Ghee,真的好邪惡) 貼士1: 因為Ghee是主要的材料,阿文建議使用品質較好的Ghee。 貼士2: 乾煎茄子有機會傷到你的易潔鑊/平底鑊,所以我們高度推薦大家可以出外燒烤時試做,一定會比豬排牛排好食,信我! 〔隔離飯香:南亞住家菜式分享〕菜式會持續更新,敬請期待! 《Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/… 《Pakora 炸雜菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/rpp.324461180…/3715333565175321/… 《Sooji Halwa 小麥布甸》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3729518303756847/… 《Split Pea with Spinach 馬豆菠菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3754689074573103/… 《Gosht Karahi鑊仔牛肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/… 《Zarda 甜飯》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3802344929807517/… 《Baingan Bharta - Roasted Eggplant Mash 》 This is Minhas’s turn to show his signature dish: Baingan Bharta (Roasted eggplant mash)!!! It is easy to make, with the evil ingredients, i bet you will love it! Every Pakistani family has a Tawa pan for frying naan. Minhas uses a retired Tawa to fry the whole Eggplant until the skin is burnt. People in Pakistan would throw the eggplants into the naan stove, but the smell is good enough to use Tawa at home in Hong Kong. Put the burnt eggplant into the water and take the skin off. Then it is time to heat ghee with spring onion and a little bit garlic paste, when it is boiled, add the chopped eggplant, some salt and pepper and mix well. Ready to serve! The Baingan Bharta recipe you see on the internet may suggest adding curry or masala for seasoning. Minhas’s version is more like a village level, which cannot be under-estimate even there is no spice in it, the flavor is definitely richer than you can imagine! (But it is full of ghee, really evil!) Tip 1: Since ghee is the main ingredient in this dish, Minhas suggest to use better quality ghee. Tip 2: Frying eggplants without adding oil may hurt your pan, we highly recommend you to try it out during BBQ, it taste better than steaks or pork chops, trust me! 〔Eat Well in Quarantine: South Asian Home Cook❳ will be continued, stay tuned!
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《Gosht Masala 馬沙拉羊肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/… 《Pakora 炸雜菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/rpp.324461180…/3715333565175321/… 《Sooji Halwa 小麥布甸》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3729518303756847/… 《Split Pea with Spinach 馬豆菠菜》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3754689074573103/… 《Gosht Karahi鑊仔牛肉》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3707945432580801/… 《Zarda 甜飯》 https://www.facebook.com/…/a.37079431692…/3802344929807517/… #隔離飯香 #EatWellInQuarantine