**現正接受報名 Registration available

哇 陸續收到好多街坊既有趣作品啦街坊連字都砌到! 我地需要更多更多既創意放上樓梯度啊等緊你既參與!
Wow We have gradually received a lot of fantastic works from the neighborhood They created beautiful patterns even words! We need more and more creativities to put together on the staircase Looking forward for your participation!
玩法 Instructions: 1. 到共融館領取材料包,拼出你的馬賽克磁磚 Pick up material packs from Kung Yung Koon and make your own mosaic tile. 2. 完成後交還共融館,成為樓梯美化想像的一部分 Return the tiles to Kung Yung Koon after finishing and become part of the imaginaing decoration project. 3. 共融館將磁磚加工成為杯墊,發還給你在家使用 Kung Yung Koon will turn it into coaster and return to you for home use.
費用 Fee:免費 Free of charge 對象 Target:葵涌街坊優先 Kwai Chung Neighbourhood first 立即報名 Register now:https://forms.gle/sVgT6fH7Jkf6scu1A 查詢 Enquiry:24272223/ WhatsApp 5263 2174 (Celia/ Fikiyo) 地址 Address:葵涌屏麗徑3-21號葵豐樓地下G-2號鋪 Shop 62, Kwai Fung House,21-23 Ping Lai Path, Kwai Chung
