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![[June] Nature Anti-insect water and Lemon Cleanser](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/107465_e3b39907aa2548ff9faa4e1fce0aede9~mv2.webp)
2018年6月12日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
[June] Nature Anti-insect water and Lemon Cleanser
Nifty Lady product selling: "Lemon Cleanser" & "Anti-insect Water" 尼泊爾婦女組自家制「檸檬清潔劑」 & 「防治蟑螂水」 {Upcycling: "Shop Naked" lemon cleanser}...
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2018年6月8日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
Sub-divided flats forum & exhibition
One of our teammates-- Ron Fong (Senior Organizing Officer) was invited to grant a sharing among the sub-divided flats focus forum &...
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2018年5月3日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
Ping Lai Carnival gained a huge success~ Thank you all for coming!!!!
We are so thankful that so many friends from different districts and neighbors joined Ping Lai Carnival on 28th April 2018. Here is some...
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2018年5月2日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
Visiting New Pioneers in Airport
On 15th of March, 2018, Mr. Matthew Cheung Kin chung– the Chief Secretary came to airport to visit the new pioneers. They were excited to...
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2018年4月4日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
Join us as volunteer on 14/April Flag day~
加入我們成為4月14日賣旗日義工行列~ 有興趣請致電2423 5062 找梁姑娘或黃姑娘! H.K.S.K.H Lady MacLehose Centre will have fundraising flag day on 14/April!, Join us as...
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2018年2月23日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
Dodgeball Recruitment 閃避球招募
If you are 6-17 years old girl and you are interested at playing dodgeball and making new friends! Call us to join the dodgeball group!!
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2017年12月18日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
屏麗徑社區舊物執寶攤檔活動 Ping Lai Path Community Material Exchange booth
屏麗徑社區舊物執寶攤檔活動 時間:逢星期三, 5pm-7pm 地點:共融館,葵涌屏麗徑3-21號葵豐樓地下G-2號舖 - 免費入場 - 跨文化共融 X 凝聚社區資源 內容:我們會在星期三黃昏時間把二手物品擺放出來與街坊們分享。有用的話,可以隨便拿回家。如果你...
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